History of Rolls Royce- "Arm Yourselves!" - autosmithcar.com

In 1940 a contract was signed with the Packard Motor Car Company in Detroit, Michigan, for the production of Merlin aero engines in the USA.
Production focussed on aero engines but a variant of the Merlin engine, known as the Meteor, was developed for the Cromwell tank. The Meteor's development completed in 1943 the same team at the Belper foundry restarted work on an eight-cylinder car engine widening its uses and it became the pattern for the British Army's B range of petrol engines for post war combat vehicles[3] in particular in Alvis's FV600 range,[nb 2] Daimler's FerretHumber's Hornet and Pig and Austin's Champ.
A time when all car companies worked together and not against each other.  No bitter rivalry between companies, no smear campaigns just working men and woman working for the same thing.


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